José returned this past Sunday from his trip to Mexico City for Semana Santa. Among the presents he brought home for me... ¡Dulces! In pretty much any taquería in Mexico, you'll get some kind of candies delivered with your check. Some of my favorites include the dulces de tamarindo (tamarind and chile-flavored candy) and the paletas picosas (spicy and sweet lollipops) pictured above from El Charco de Las Ranas, El Califa and El Fogoncito.
- What's your favorite candy when you visit a taquería?
michelle says
I was always partial to the coconut candy with the pink stripe on it 🙂
Elizabeth Rangel says
These candies look so good. The hubby likes Alegria y Palanquetas. Hope it was a good trip to DF.
Cool pix.
Jenni Spinner says
That's a good question--hard to choose. I kind of like the chicken-shaped lollis with the chili powder on them.