September 16th, Mexican Independence Day, has come and gone, but the celebration of Mexico isn’t really over just yet.
Tomorrow, November 20th, Mexico will celebrate the centennial of its Revolution. This year has been filled with special events all over the world honoring these two important anniversaries in Mexican history.
But there are many everyday reasons to celebrate Mexico, too: the diverse flora and fauna; beautiful ecosystems spanning every kind of terrain from jungles and deserts; the incredible food with worldly influences ranging from pre-Hispanic cultures to European, Asian and beyond; the kind and generous people; the abundance of historical and World Heritage sites… I could probably go on listing the things I love about Mexico for days. I can't wait to one day have children to teach them all the things we love so much about the country where their papá was born and raised.
In the news in the U.S., Mexico is often painted as a violent, turbulent place and seldom are the positive things about the country and the culture shared in the mainstream media. But to me, Mexico is so much more than what they show on the news. Here on The Other Side of The Tortilla, I choose to focus on the positive aspects of Mexico and Mexican culture because it is what I feel in my heart. It is a mission here to both connect Mexicans at home and abroad to their culture via stories about family and food – two of the most important aspects of the culture – as well as educate those who are not Mexican about traveling the country, absorbing the rich culture and experiencing the incomparable cuisine.
This week, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) awarded Mexican cuisine the status as a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity at a ceremony in Nairobi, Kenya. This is big news in Tortillalandia and you can definitely expect to read more about it here soon. In the meantime, check out the Conservatorio de la Cultura Gastronómica Mexicana to learn more about the organization that submitted the proposal that was approved by UNESCO. I’m excited to see that the world is finally acknowledging the importance of Mexican cuisine and it’s even more special that the status is being awarded during the bicentennial year.
From November 29-December 10, Mexico will also be hosting the United Nations Climate Change Conference (also know as COP16/CMP6) in Cancun. I was delighted to hear that the conference will be planting around 10,000 trees and bushes in Cancun as part of their way of giving back to the city for hosting. I’m very excited to see all the sustainability efforts being implemented during the conference, as environmental sustainability and caring for the natural resources of the area are very important to the local habitat. The Riviera Maya has much to offer in terms of natural beauty, historic landmarks and world-class culture and food. In fact, the ruins at Tulum are one of my favorite gems in that area because they incorporate both the lush vegetation and the incredible building skills of a civilization that is not physically present, but still lives on in the heart of Mexican history.
I encourage you to follow along with the conference and check out the resources on their website as Mexico steps into the limelight to become part of the solution, bridging the gap between the developed and developing worlds and educating others on how to preserve our beautiful natural spaces and reduce our carbon footprints for generations to come.
I plan to continue celebrating the magic of the Bicentenario through the rest of 2010 and well into the future. I’ll be visiting Mexico for most of the month of December and into early January so you can count on a daily serving of whatever I’m up to, all laid out here in stories, photos and video every day while I’m there. Ven conmigo and subscribe via email or RSS so you don’t miss out on the fun!
Without Mexico, my life would be a lot less picante, verdad? And to me, life without a little spice is boring so I’m proud to say that Mexico is my home away from home.
If you missed the espectáculo, check out this video below for a glimpse of how the bicentenario was celebrated in Mexico City's zócalo. To learn more about Mexico's rich history and the events still to come in 2010, check out the Bicentennial websites in Spanish and English.
LucyMFel says
RT @MauraHernandez: Tomorrow's Mexico's Centennial! Why I Celebrate Mexico Every Day, NEW on #TOSOTT! #latism #viva ...
Ana Lilian Flores says
I joined your celebration of Mexico with this post:
After all, Mexico is what brought you and I together...the "wannabe" Chilangas!
Maura Hernandez says
Ana, your post brought me to tears, it was so beautiful and I identify with everything you wrote. You and I have the same feelings about Mexico and belonging there like we were born there, and visiting is like going home. We both must've been chilangas in a past life! Estoy convencida! The closer I get to my trip in a few weeks, the more exited I get. Excited to see all the tías y tíos, los primos, nuestros amigos; to celebrate the holidays; to stand on the rooftop terrace to listen to swarms of people headed for the basilica singing Las Mañanitas to la Virgen de Guadalupe; excited for all the places I am going to go eat my favorite foods; to spend time with my suegros and my cuñada, jugando domino; to visit the zócalo and all my other favorite little hangouts like the bazar sábado and the mercado de Coyoacán. And I can't believe what incredible luck we have this year that you and I will be in Mexico City at the same time. I am so excited to see you and your family, especially since the most I normally see of you is via our video skype chats! It will be so lovely to hug you in person again and say "vamos a los tacos!" Don't forget you owe me a cold Sidral! 😉
Ana Lilian Flores says
We were definitely hermanas Chilangas in a past life!
I am SO jealous you will be there for El Día de la Virgen de Guadalupe. I can´t go to Mexico without visiting La Villa, and I´m not a religious person, but that is just a tradition I can´t shake off. I need to see her and now it´s even more important to me because of my daughter.
You and me have a date at the mercado de Coyoacan for some quecas de huitlacoche!!
Angelica Perez says
Despite the many close friends I have that are Mexico, I have never had the pleasure of visiting this beautiful country. It is certainly on my list of places to visit in the near future. Thanks for the beautiful images and the link to the Bicentennial website!